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finix neuro is the banner for our range of groundbreaking learning products that will revolutionise how people remember, retain, and recall information. 


The initial range of products, which will be named "Totem Learning", will launch in 2024, and will change the way we think about forming memories and learning information.


Whether you are someone studying for an exam, or someone looking to capture and recreate a specific feeling at a certain point in time (for example, feeling confident if you have a huge pitch at work), finix "totems" will help people achieve their full potential - and there is nothing else like them anywhere in the world.


The design and application of the totems is grounded in cutting edge neuroscience research, and the totems aid retention and recall by enabling multi sensory stimulus at the point of learning/imprinting new information.


Have a look at the videos below for a brief overview of how memories are formed.

Without subtitles
Trees From Above

With subtitles

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