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Access the ground-breaking "life wheel" tool -  designed to map, support, improve, and tangibly document positive changes to quality of life - made for health and social care


Read below on how to access this

The life wheel is a tool with one focus. To enhance the lives of people being supported in health and/or social care services, but it was born out of frustration...


The primary focus of PBS (Positive Behaviour Support), and the underlying premise of most other progressive support methodologies, and health and social care services in general, is to improve quality of life for those who use/access services.


Despite this however, PBS, and other support approaches/services tend to focus on time and task style care and support, which is predicated on "behaviours of concern", or specific support needs based around the persons disability or needs, rather than more holistically focussing on the persons overall quality of life.


The life wheel fixes this issue! 


It is a holistic tool, which works with anyone, irrespective of who they are or what needs they may have. There is only ONE version of the life wheel - rather than lots of variants (like other similar tools in the sector), making the application and comparability of the life wheel in measuring effectiveness of services and outcomes for people, far easier to measure than having multiple tools focussed on different needs.


The life wheel focusses on the person at the centre of support/care, and is strengths based. 


The life wheel gives a statistical score based on the overall quality of someones life, and then allows practitioners/support services to work with the person around any specific areas within the persons life, and enhancing them, so the overall quality of life improves and stabilises over time.


Whilst being true to improving quality of life which is what services should be about, by focussing on a persons overall quality of life, and then honing in on specific areas of focus as needed, means the person becomes more resilient and the positive interventions and skills acquisition learned by the person become more sustainable - enhancing opportunities for longer term independence, perceived happiness, and choice and control.


For commissioning organisations, this means that providers and services will be able to demonstrate impact, both in terms of improved overall quality of life, and bespoke interventions, but also any cost reduction or cost avoidance by increasing independence and sustainable outcomes for people. For services, it is a powerful tool to demonstrate the ROI for using your services from your commissioning partners.


The "life wheel" is available for *free for use by social care and health organisations across the world. We have made this free because we don't believe that lack of resources should impede people having great support or great lives. However we do operate an honesty pricing plan, whereby if organisations do have the means to pay for use, they should do this, to enable further developments to the wheel and associated documentation/systems over time, which will benefit the people who use/access services. 


To access the life wheel

Whether you access the life wheel for free, or pay if you're fiscally able to, ALL ORGANISATIONS MUST:

* agree to the general terms of use 

* agree to the terms of the organisational charter


After you have done this, you should review our pricing schedule for the tool. If your organisation is financially able to, you should pay the suggested annual fee for use. To do this, you should contact who will invoice you the correct amount based on your organisational requirements. 


Finally, you can download the life wheel documents here...

* the life wheel tool

* the life wheel infographic

* the life wheel explanation booklet


Please note that only organisations who pay for use can apply to become life wheel accredited organisations. Life wheel accreditation and training carries additional costs to the annual honesty fee, and full details of all prices for all products relating to the life wheel can be found by clicking here


Thank you for visiting finix, and for taking your first step on the journey of enhancing quality of life for people who use services across health and social care.

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